Friday, September 20, 2024

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Kanye West Apologizes To Jewish Community On Social Media

Kanye West has taken to social media to send out an apology to the Jewish community for his offensive statements that he has said over the years. He posted the apology on Instagram, putting the writing in Hebrew.

The post translate in English to:

“I sincerely apologize to the Jewish community for my unplanned outburst caused by my words or actions, it was not my intention to hurt or disrespect, and I deeply regret any pain I may have caused,” he said in a statement written in Hebrew.

“I am committed to starting with myself and learning from this experience to ensure greater sensitivity and understanding in the future,” the post continued.

He ends the statement with saying, “forgiveness is important to me” and that he was “committed to making amends and promoting unity.”

This comes after he previewed his upcoming music from his album, Vultures where he is heard rapping the lyrics, “How I’m antisemitic? I just f–ked a Jewish b—h.”

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